One Bedroom Apartment: 112 Park St. Apt 2 Portland, ME

2,400.00 $/Per month


ID : 1265
112 Park St. Apt 2, Portland, Maine, United States
Location: 112 Park St. Apt 2, Portland, Maine, United States
Featured: No
Total viewing: 251
Rate: (0/5)

Base Information

Bed: 1
Bath: 1


General Amenities
Eat in Kitchen
Appliance Amenities
One bedroom apartment located in downtown Portland, ME.

This one bed, one bath downtown Portland apartment is perfectly located and complete with its very own private brick courtyard. This unique apartment’s clean, bold decor combines dramatic lighting and modern art to create a striking and inviting space. The fully applianced eat-in kitchen includes granite countertops, while the bathroom offers a tub and shower. Enjoy flat screen TVs in both the living room and bedroom, and many more thoughtful amenities – but don’t forget to go exploring! Portland’s charming Old Port, the lovely West End and the vibrant arts district are just a few minutes walk from your front door.

All utilities are included. 

Rent: $2,400/month

Contact: Alex Parisi 207-400-5899 or

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