One Bedroom Apartment: 762 Congress S. Apt 3 Portland, ME

Base Information
There are two flights of stairs to get to the apartment. There is off-street parking that is available for one car. Inside the apartment, you will find all new appliances in the kitchen and microwave. The apartment has been furnished with European-style furniture and is extremely cozy. Open Kitchen that looks into the TV room. The bedroom has a large king-size bed. High-speed Wireless internet is available. There is no CABLE TV. Just WIFI. We have an AC window unit in the bedroom, and an AC Unit in the kitchen window area if needed. The maximum number of adults in this apartment is 2 adults. There is off-street parking, and on-premise laundry on the 1st floor included.
This apartment is within walking distance to both Maine Medical and the Portland Seadog stadium, and several great restaurant locations such as Local 188, Hot Suppo, Tempo Dulu, Little Tap House, Pai Men Miyake, Bolster, Snow & Co, The Green Elephant, Caiola's, Bonobo, and many others.
Utilities: $200/month (heat, electric, water, WiFi)
Rent: $1,950/month
Dog fee: $75/stay
Clean Out Fee: $150
Contact: Brad Forsythe 203-258-1301 or