Hotel: Atlantic Ocean Suites Old Orchard Beach, ME

Base Information
General Amenities
Appliance Amenities
Atlantic Ocean Suites offers one-bedroom and two-bedroom suites that come fully furnished. Each suite features a complete kitchen stocked with dishes, pots, pans, toaster, coffee maker, and a microwave oven. All utilities, including heat, air conditioning, and wifi, are included. Safety is a priority with our 24/7 security cameras and secure entry system. The amenities we offer extend to on-site parking and snow removal services throughout the winter months. Tenants have access to washers and dryers during office hours. Please note that linens are not provided; tenants are responsible for their own linens.
One occupant
$1799 monthly
$1800 refundable security deposit
$350 non-refundable exit cleaning fee
Two occupants
$1850 monthly
$1850 refundable security deposit
$200 non refundable exit cleaning fee
Contact: Atlantic Ocean Suites (207)-934-0678.