One Bedroom Apartment: 762 Congress St. Apt 2 Portland ME

Base Information
General Amenities
Appliance Amenities
This is a second-floor apartment located on 762 Congress Street. The apartment is furnished with everything you need to enjoy a weekend stay in Portland. The apartment is located on the 2nd Floor, and can be accessed through either the front staircase off of Congress or the back smaller staircase accessed from the driveway. We do not have any CABLE TV, just WIFI for Netflix, ext. Off-Street Parking is available, new appliances, and European-style furniture. TV, wireless Internet all available. The apartment has great airflow, ceiling fans, and AC in the bedroom. No cats are allowed. There is a dog fee of $75 for the stay.
Utilities are an additional $200/month (Heat, Electric, Water, Internet-WIFI, off-street parking, and on-premise laundry on the 1st floor are included)
There is a clean out fee at the end of the lease agreement of $150.
Rent: $1,950/month
Contact: Brad 203-258-1301 or C762CongressStreet