One Bedroom Apartment: 140 Pine St. Apt 1 Portland, ME

2,000.00 $/Per month


ID : 1390
140 Pine St. Apt 1, Portland, 04101, Maine, United States
Location: 140 Pine St. Apt 1, Portland, 04101, Maine, United States
Featured: No
Total viewing: 30
Rate: (0/5)

Base Information

Rooms: 1
Bed: 1
Bath: 1
One bedroom apartment in Portland, ME

Fully furnished one bedroom apartment in Portland’s West End. Enjoy a truly unique space, sky high ceilings and huge windows. Lots of storage with built-ins throughout. interesting details like a marble mantel around a decorative fireplace. Updated while maintaining its original charm. 

Utilities are included as well as off street parking, and laundry on site.

Rent: $2,200/month

Contact: Alex Parisi  207-400-5899 or

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