2 bed Vista Villa

Two bedroom - Frigate Bay
2,100.00 $/Per month


ID : 956
Frigate Bay, Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis
Location: Frigate Bay, Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis
Type: St Kitts
Featured: Yes
Total viewing: 596
Rate: (0/5)

Base Information

Rooms: 2
Bed: 2
Bath: 2
Living Areas: Yes
Located 5.5 miles from campus, school bus available daily.

TV internet and water included. Electricity fee of $100.00  per bedroom any usage below will be refunded and or above will be charged. Bolts, charlie bars, security cameras thoughout the property. For availability contact Remax direct 1-869-466-6451 or email corrine@remax-stkitts.com 

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