One bed - Shadwell
Located about 2.5 miles from campus, local populated area, school bus available daily.
Location: Shadwell Housing Project, Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis
Type: St Kitts
Featured: Yes
Total viewing: 980
Base Information
Rooms: 1
Bed: 1
Bath: 1
Living Areas: Yes
Located 2.5 miles from campus, school bus available daily. Building houses mainly UMHS students, available end of April 2020.
Rent includes water and laundry facilities. Tennant responsible for cable, internet and electricity. Government electricity deosit will be required ($500.00 USD, Landlord will take you to the department to sign).BYOL = Bring your own linen.One Full size bed provided.SCHOOL BUS PICK UP STUDENT IN FRONT OF APARTMENT.
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